There are 2 versions of the price calculator available which are shown below, one where the layout is designed for larger screens and the other which has a skinnier design to display on mobile phones where you can scroll down to see the information. Both of these calculators can be accessed from the PRICE CALCULATORS menu above or through your Dealer or Sales Representative Login page. They are PASSWORD protected, please ask your sales rep or email me at [email protected] for the password.

Calculator for PC, Laptop & Tablets

Calculator for Mobile Phones
Instructions For Using The Wholesale Price Calculators
You simply choose the frame style from a drop down list you wish to get information about, then you can select either the fabric/ cover grade or continue scrolling down until you see the specific fabric you are interested in. With these 2 pieces of information not only will the cost be shown (image showing price location pictured to the RIGHT) but detailed information about both the frame & fabric (detailed information not shown if you select a grade from the drop down list) will be shown. Style information shows in the GREY shaded area where the Fabric information is displayed in the LIGHT BLUE shaded area.

Image above shows the area of the calculator for reference.
This is where you select the FRAME STYLE & BODY FABRIC in the wholesale price calculator. When you click on the BLUE SELECT OPTION box under where it says SELECT FRAME a small grey square with an ARROW will appear to the RIGHT of the blue box. When you CLICK that arrow a drop down list of all our styles will appear. You can now either start to type the STYLE NAME/ NUMBER which will populate a list of STYLES matching what you have begun to type below the box or you can simply SCROLL down through the list until you see the desired STYLE. The operation of the rest of the calculator works the same. You may select any BLUE BOX to see your choices.

Images above show the areas in the calculator referenced below
In the calculator there is also an area in bright green area that pertains to the promotions available at Masterfield Furniture. If you select a style that is part of a promotion, the promotional price will be shown in the GREEN PROMOTIONAL PRICE area which is next to the STANDARD FRAME PRICE area. In this case when you select only a style the promotional price will be shown prior to selecting a fabric or leather. You will see a larger GREEN area with a BLUE BOX which will show you a list of the fabrics pertaining only to the promotion shown. If you wish to see the price difference without the promotion you can select the same fabric or grade in BLUE body fabric area which will then show you the standard frame price NOT including the promotion.

This shows what you will see when you SELECT a blue box and CLICK on the small grey box next to the BLUE box. Results shown change depending on the blue box selected.
Images above show the areas in the calculator referenced below
Towards the bottom of the calculator is an area for EXTRAS, ADD-ONS,OPTIONS & CUSTOM DEPTH/ LENGTH information. When you click the blue boxes you can select from the options shown in order to see the cost. This area is great if you wish to add pillows or nails to a frame as it will show you the options & cost which is then added to the total frame cost shown toward the top of the calculator. These add on costs are also totaled separately towards the top so you can see that as well.

This shows the of the calculator where pricing is located. Extras and Add Ons will be included in the Total Price box regardless of a promotional price. Some add ons or options can disqualify a Promotional Price so please ask your Sales Rep.
(The EXTRAS, ADD-ONS,OPTIONS & CUSTOM DEPTH/ LENGTH area shows all options available across our line but it does not mean every option pertains to the frame selected. For detailed information about customizing your order please contact your SALES REPRESENTATIVE.)