Calculator Information

There are 2 versions of the price calculator available which are shown below, one where the layout is designed for larger screens and the other which has a skinnier design to display on mobile phones where you can scroll down to see the information. Both of these calculators can be accessed from the PRICE CALCULATORS menu above or through your Dealer or Sales Representative Login page. They are PASSWORD protected, please ask your sales rep or email me at [email protected] for the password.

Calculator for PC, Laptop & Tablets

Calculator for Mobile Phones

Instructions For Using The Wholesale Price Calculators

This shows what you will see when you SELECT a blue box and CLICK on the small grey box next to the BLUE box. Results shown change depending on the blue box selected.

Images above show the areas in the calculator referenced below

This shows the of the calculator where pricing is located. Extras and Add Ons will be included in the Total Price box regardless of a promotional price. Some add ons or options can disqualify a Promotional Price so please ask your Sales Rep.